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Welcome to the EUF

The European Underwater Federation (EUF) was first formed in 1989 by a number of non-profit distributing European diver federations and subsequently expanded to include the major profit distributing training agencies. It thus acts as a platform to represent and protect the interests of European recreational diver at the EU level.

EUF is the European platform for the recreational diving community and is a non-profit company limited by guarantee and registered in the UK.


  • To be a totally inclusive platform for all recreational diving activities, whether voluntary or remunerated;
  • To be the consultative body for all matters concerning safety, regulation or legislation in areas affecting the recreational diving sector;
  • To ensure that within these pursuits there is no discrimination because of race, nationality or creed.

EUF News Flash

Prof. Dr. Franz Brümmer passed away

11 September 2024
We deeply regret to announce the passing of Prof. Dr. Franz Brümmer, ex President of the VDST. Franz Brümmer was an extremely well-known figure in the...

EUF Lavanchy award 2024

21 January 2024
Martin Denison was presented with the EUF Lavanchy Award at the BOOT 2024 show by Mark Caney, EUF President, on 20 January 2024. Among his many accomp...

Dive into marine conservation with the Convex Seascape Survey

14 June 2023
Are you a diver with a passion for protecting our oceans? You can help in the fight against climate change by helping us find the last remaining undis...

EUF Lavanchy award 2023

22 January 2023
On 21st January 2023 Mark Caney, the President of the EUF, awarded Professor Alessandro Marroni with the 2023 EUF Lavanchy Award at the BOOT 2023 show...

EUF Lavanchy Award

28 December 2022
Once again, we will be presenting the annual EUF Lavanchy Award to the 2023 winner at the Düsseldorf BOOT show. The Lavanchy Award is presented annual...

EUF meeting November 2022

01 December 2022
The EUF had a very successful meeting on 26 November 2022 in Vienna. Amongst other points agreed, was the descision to focus on a new campaign to prom...

War in Ukraine

07 September 2022
The EUF condemns the recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia. In response, EUF will not plan any events in Russia, partake in any sporting events with Ru...

Meeting workgroup scientific divers

19 May 2022
Another meeting concluded on 18 May 2022 of the working group designing training standards for scientific divers. The initial drafts of the first two ...
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Data maintenance by EUF
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